A fire safety engineering is a combination of fire safety measures encompassing fire prevention, management of fire safety and fire protection that has been shown by reference to prescriptive codes and/or performance-based design to be capable of satisfying the agreed fire safety objectives specific to a project.
Fire safety design and engineering are commonly developed during the design phase for a new development or refurbishment project. They provide an overarching document setting out the fundamental requirements that provide the focus for subsequent, more detailed specifications. A fire safety strategy provides building owners, occupiers, and facility managers with relevant information from which to develop and implement effective prevention and protection solutions
Performance-based design approach provides an alternative means to design buildings and structures to allow for more practical solutions. This approach can significantly benefit complex projects and existing developments undergoing refurbishment.
It offers an opportunity to utilise new materials and technology as well as demonstrate compliance for sustainable buildings which otherwise would not have been possible.
We have extensive experience with the application of performance-based designs locally meeting NBC (National Building Code), NFPA and FM Global standards
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Most complex buildings require emergency response and evacuation plans to be developed. This document needs to include procedures for reporting emergencies, evacuation procedures, requirement for fire drills, etc.
At P.K Fire safety, we can assist in developing project specific emergency response and evacuation plans to ensure the building occupants are better prepared for any emergencies.
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